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SolarWinds {{quote.orderType}} Quote
Valid Until: {{quote.quoteSummaryInfo.expiryDate | date: 'dd MMM yyyy' }}
Terms: {{quote.quoteSummaryInfo.terms }}
SolarWinds ID:

Beginning August 17, 2021, the remaining Microsoft 365 apps and services will no longer support IE 11. Read More

Thank you for {{ quote.yearsOfService }} business with SolarWinds.
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{{order.quoteSummaryInfo.endCustomerCompany}} {{order.quoteSummaryInfo.endCustomerSwid || '-'}}
{{order.quoteSummaryInfo.reseller || '-'}} {{order.quoteSummaryInfo.resellerEmail || '-'}} {{order.quoteSummaryInfo.resellerPhone || '-'}}

{{order.swContact.companyName}} {{order.swContact.companyTaxCode}} {{ || '-'}} {{ || '-'}} {{ || '-'}}
{{order.quoteSummaryInfo.endCustomerCompany}} {{order.quoteSummaryInfo.endCustomerSwid || '-'}} {{order.quoteSummaryInfo.reseller || '-'}} {{order.quoteSummaryInfo.resellerEmail || '-'}} {{order.quoteSummaryInfo.resellerPhone || '-'}}
{{order.swContact.companyName}} {{order.swContact.companyTaxCode}} {{ || '-'}} {{ || '-'}} {{ || '-'}}

{{order.swContact.companyName}} {{order.swContact.companyTaxCode}} {{ || '-'}} {{ || '-'}} {{ || '-'}}
Quote Line Product Type Annual Rate ** Term (Months) SKU Start Date End Date Qty Unit Price Total
Products To Be Upgraded Upon Conversion SKU Qty Total
{{item.QuoteLineId}} • {{item.description}} {{item.description}} • {{item.description}}
SKU {{item.sku}}
Tenant Id {{item.tenantId}}
{{item.isParent ? '--' : item.tranType || '--'}} {{order.currencySymbol}} {{item.OngoingPrice | number:2}} {{ !item.isManuallyAdded ? '--' : ''}} {{item.termMonths}} {{item.sku}} {{item.startDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}} {{item.endDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}} {{item.itemType === 'DwnLdItem' ? item.quantity : ''}} {{order.currencySymbol}} {{item.itemType === 'DwnLdItem' ? (item.unitPrice | number:2) : ''}} {{order.currencySymbol}}{{item.totalPrice | number:2}}
Proration Credit line(s) include previous payment(s) made on the remaining original term plus credit
for applicable Renewal and/or Expansion and do not affect future pricing.
Pricing above may not include local taxes, for which the customer is responsible.
{{order.expireInfo.goingToExpireIn}} Day {{order.expireInfo.goingToExpireIn}} Days
{{order.currencySymbol}} {{(quote.taxService.getOrderSummary(quote.selectedPaymentOption).subTotal - order.itemsDiscount) | number:2 }}
{{order.currencySymbol}}{{order.itemsDiscount | number:2 }}
{{order.currencySymbol}} {{quote.taxService.getOrderSummary(quote.selectedPaymentOption).subTotal | number:2 }}
{{order.currencySymbol}}{{ order.prorationCredits | number:2 }}
{{order.currencySymbol}}{{ order.oneTimeProration | number:2 }}
{{order.currencySymbol}} {{quote.taxService.getOrderSummary(quote.selectedPaymentOption).billTax | number:2}}
{{order.currencySymbol}}{{ quote.taxService.getOrderSummary(quote.selectedPaymentOption).discount | number:2 }}
{{order.currencySymbol}}{{quote.taxService.getOrderSummary(quote.selectedPaymentOption).totalAmount | number:2}}
Total Subscription Price Billing Frequency: {{order.BillingFrequency}} Contract Term: 12 Month(s) Next Billing Date: {{order.NextBillingDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}}
Product Quantity Annual Unit Price Annual Total Price {{order.BillingFrequency}} Unit Price {{order.BillingFrequency}} Total Price
SKU {{item.sku}}
{{item.totalQuantity}} {{order.currencySymbol}}{{item.ongoingUnitPrice | number:2}} {{order.currencySymbol}}{{item.OngoingPrice | number:2}} {{order.currencySymbol}}{{item.billingUnitPrice | number:2}} {{order.currencySymbol}}{{item.totalQuantity * item.billingUnitPrice | number:2}}
Total {{order.currencySymbol}}{{order.TotalSubscriptionAmount | number:2}}
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  • If you previously ordered through an Authorized SolarWinds Partner and would like to order through that partner again, please forward this quote to them for processing.
  • All Orders requesting terms will be subject to review by SolarWinds Credit Department.
  • We do not accept lease arrangements.
  • SolarWinds is required to collect sales tax in certain U.S. states. If applicable, sales tax will be added to your online order based on your shipping address.
  • VAT/Sales Tax may apply depending on your location
  • Offers in this quote only apply to the term defined by the quote.
Quote Number {{po.quoteSummaryInfo.quoteExternalId}}
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SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC's and its subsidiaries and affiliates obligations are limited to the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement. No other terms and conditions shall apply.
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Billing State • Tax amount {{nopo.taxService.getOrderSummary().stateBillingTax | number:2}} is added
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Billing VAT ID has invalid format
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Shipping State • Tax amount {{nopo.taxService.getOrderSummary().stateShippingTax | number:2}} is added
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Finance Contact Information
(May be contacted for verification of this Authorization)
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This authorization letter shall serve as the only documentation necessary for SolarWinds Worldwide,LLC ("SolarWinds") to provide Customer with a license to the SolarWinds products ("SolarWinds Products") and to invoice
("Customer") as specified in the below-referenced Quote.
I certify that:

1) I am authorized to obtain the license for the SolarWinds Products on behalf of the Customer;

2) This authorization is the only document required by the Customer to be submitted to SolarWinds prior to SolarWinds' provision of SolarWinds Products to Customer, and based upon this Authorization, Customer agrees that it will be required to make timely payments in response to the invoice submitted to the Customer by SolarWinds;

3) The Customer does not require a purchase order in order to authorize the purchase of the SolarWinds Products; and

4) SolarWinds, in its sole discretion, may contact my Finance Department for verification of this Authorization.
SolarWinds Quote Number: {{nopo.quoteSummaryInfo.quoteExternalId}}

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Discount on item(s): -{{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().discount | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
Sub-Total{{cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().discount ? ' (Including discount)' : ''}}: {{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().subTotal | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
VAT: Estimated TAX: {{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().billTax | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
Total: {{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().totalAmount | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
Sub-Total does not include taxes
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ERROR: Unfortunately there was an error while processing your credit card.


Please contact the issuing bank, or provide an alternate card , or use our "request invoice" feature to complete this transaction. Thank you.

Unfortunately, your bank has not provided authorization for this transaction. Please contact your issuing bank or use an alternate card to proceed with the transaction. If you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to our support team at Thank you.

Billing Information
Shipping Information
First Name *
Please enter the billing First Name Billing First name contains unsupported characters or has invalid format Billing First name must not be longer than 60 characters
Last Name *
Please enter the billing Last Name Billing Last name contains unsupported characters or has invalid format Billing Last name must not be longer than 60 characters
Company Name
Billing Company Name is too long
Billing Company Name contains unsupported characters
Country *
• Vat amount {{cc.taxService.getOrderSummary().billTax | number:2}} is added
Please select a country
Address Line 1 *
Please enter the billing Address Line 1 Billing Address Line 1 must be no longer than 60 characters
Address Line 2
Billing Address Line 2 must be no longer than 60 characters
City *
Please enter the billing city Billing city contains unsupported characters or has invalid format Billing city must not be longer than 50 characters
State/Province *
{{cc.taxService.getOrderSummary().taxCalculationError.ErrorMessage}} • Tax amount {{cc.taxService.getOrderSummary().stateBillingTax | number:2}} is added.
Please select a state
ZIP/Postal Code *
Please enter the billing zip/postal code
Billing zip/postal code has invalid format
Billing VAT ID has invalid format
Phone *
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Emails have to match!
Which email ID should we send License key to? *
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First Name *
Please enter the shipping First Name Shipping First name contains unsupported characters or has invalid format Shipping First name must not be longer than 60 characters
Last Name *
Please enter the shipping Last Name Shipping Last name contains unsupported characters or has invalid format Shipping Last name must not be longer than 60 characters
Company Name
Shipping company Name is too long
Shipping company Name contains unsupported characters
Country *
Please select a country
Address Line 1 *
Please enter the shipping Address Line 1 Shipping Address Line 1 must be no longer than 60 characters
Address Line 2
Shipping Address Line 2 must be no longer than 60 characters
City *
Please enter the shipping city Shipping city contains unsupported characters or has invalid format Shipping city must not be longer than 50 characters
State/Province *
{{cc.taxService.getOrderSummary().taxCalculationError.ErrorMessage}} • Tax amount {{cc.taxService.getOrderSummary().stateShippingTax | number:2}} is added
Please select a state
ZIP/Postal Code *
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Phone *
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Shipping phone number contains unsupported characters or has invalid format
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Emails have to match!
My billing address and shipping address are different
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AMEX cards not accepted.
Please select your credit card's expiration month.
Please select your credit card's expiration year.
Credit card's expiration date should be greater than current date.
Please enter the credit card verification code with no spaces. This number can be found printed on the back side of your card.
The security of your credit card information is important to us. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to protect the security of your credit card information

Auto Renew ON OFF
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Discount on item(s): -{{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().discount | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
Sub-Total{{cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().discount ? ' (Including discount)' : ''}}: {{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().subTotal | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
VAT: Estimated TAX: {{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().billTax | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
Total: {{ cart.currencySymbol}} {{ cart.taxService.getOrderSummary().totalAmount | number:2 }} ({{ cart.currencyIso }})
Sub-Total does not include taxes

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